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《 外国政府旅游部门在中国设立常驻代表机构管理暂行办法》

来源:国家旅游局 发布时间:2019-06-25

  第一条 为了促进国际旅游交往,加强对外国政府旅游部门(含外国政府授权的半官方旅游机构)和政府间国际旅游组织(以下简称外国旅游部门)常驻中国代表机构的管理工作,制定本办法。

  第二条 中华人民共和国国家旅游局是外国旅游部门在中国设立常驻代表机构的管理机关。外国旅游部门要求在中国设立常驻代表机构,必须向中华人民共和国国家旅游局提出书面申请,经国家旅游局商有关部门批准后方可设立。

  第三条 外国旅游部门申请在中国设立常驻代表机构,应提供下列文件和材料:

一、 由该国旅游部门负责人签署并加盖公章的申请书正本,内容包括机构名称、常驻人数、工作职能、驻在城市等;

二、 该国旅游部门委任常驻人员的委任书正本及简历、照片和身份证件。

  第四条 外国旅游部门经批准在中国设立的常驻代表机构,可以从事旅游宣传推广、咨询、联络、协调等非经营性活动,不得进行任何经营性或变相经营性活动。

  第五条 外国旅游部门常驻中国代表机构外籍工作人员入境就业,应按照《外国人在中国就业管理规定》办理在中国就业居留手续。其中,由该国旅游部门委派的本国工作人员,可凭中华人民共和国国家旅游局的签证通知函电及代表资格确认函向中国驻外使、领馆申办职业签证;入境后,凭代表证和职业签证向劳动保障部门申请办理就业证;凭代表证和就业证向公安部门申请办理外国人居留证。

  第六条 外国旅游部门常驻中国代表机构要求变更机构名称、常驻人员和驻在地址时,应当向中华人民共和国国家旅游局提出书面申请,办理变更批准手续;经批准后向常驻地劳动保障部门及公安机关办理变更有关手续。

  第七条 外国旅游部门常驻中国代表机构及其人员应当持中华人民共和国国家旅游局批准文件及其他有关证明,按照中国法律规定,向有关主管机关办理必要手续,如开立银行帐户、租用房屋、向海关备案及申请进口公、私用物品、领取车辆牌照、执照等。

  第八条 外国旅游部门常驻中国代表机构聘用中国工作人员,由中国省级人民政府实行统一管理,并指定专门的外事服务单位组织承办。常驻代表机构须将聘用的中国工作人员名单报中华人民共和国国家旅游局备案,备案内容包括:姓名、户籍、出生年月、文化程度、曾在何处工作、任何职。

  第九条 外国旅游部门常驻中国代表机构及其人员、家属的合法权益受中国法律保护。该代表机构及其人员、家属在中国的一切活动,应当遵守中国的法律、法规和有关规定。

  第十条 外国旅游部门常驻中国代表机构违反本规定的,由中华人民共和国国家旅游局会同有关部门给予警告或撤销其在中国设立常驻代表机构的资格,对未经批准设立的常驻代表机构予以取缔。

  第十一条 外国旅游部门常驻中国代表机构终止业务活动,应当在终止业务活动的30天前书面通知中华人民共和国国家旅游局,并将债务及其他有关事宜清理完毕后,办理机构注销手续。常驻代表机构办理机构注销手续后的未了事宜,应当由其派出部门继续承担责任。

  第十二条 外国旅游部门在中国设立常驻代表、代表处、事务所、办事处、联络处或设立其他名称的机构,均视同设立常驻代表机构,适用本规定。

  第十三条 本规定自发布之日起施行。

  Provisional Administrative Regulation regarding the Establishment of Residential Representative Office in the People’s Republic of China by Foreign Governmental Tourism Department —Issued by China National Tourism Administration

  Article 1 This Regulation is formulated in order to promote international tourism exchange and to strengthen the administration of the residential representative offices established in China by the foreign governmental tourism departments (including the semi-governmental tourism departments authorized by foreign governments) and the inter-governmental international tourism organizations (hereafter referred to as foreign tourism departments).

  Article 2 China National Tourism Administration is the authority for the administration of the residential representative offices established by foreign tourism departments in China.

  The foreign tourism department shall submit an application in written form to China National Tourism Administration to request the establishment of a residential representative office in China. Only after the application is approved by China National Tourism Administration with consultation with relevant departments can the residential representative office be established.

  Article 3 The foreign tourism department applying for establishing her residential representative office in China should submit the following documents and materials:

1. Original copy of the official application letter duly signed by the person in charge of the foreign tourism department and sealed with an official stamp. The letter shall include the representative office’s name, the number of the residential staffs, function and residential city and so on.

2. Original copy of the certificate of appointment, curriculum vitae, photo and the personal identification document of the residential staff appointed by the foreign tourism department.

  Article 4 The residential representative office fo a foreign tourism department established in China with the approval may be engaged in non-profit activities such as promotion , consultation, liaison and coordination ,but shall not carry out any commercial activities of covert commercial activities.

  Article 5 The foreign staffs employed by the residential representative office of a foreign tourism department in China shall go through the formalities of working and residential permits in accordance with the “Administrative Regulation on Foreigners Employment in China”. The staff sent directly from the foreign tourism department applies for his working visa at the Chinese embassy or consulate in his country with the official visa notice and the confirmation letter of his representative appointment issued by China National Tourism Administration; and after his arrival in China, he applies for his working permit through the labor security department with his representative certificate and working visa, before applying for his residential permit through the public security department with his representative certificate and working permit.

  Article 6 If the residential representative office of a foreign tourism department in China needs to change the name of the office, residential staff or place, it shall submit an application in written form to China National tourism Administration and go through the formalities to get the approval for the change. With the approval, it shall go through the relevant formalities of the change through the labor department and the public security bureau where the office is located.

  Article 7 The residential representative office of a foreign tourism department in China and its staffs shall go through the necessary formalities, like opening a bank account, renting a building, filing and applying for importing public or private articles in the Customs, receiving vehicle plates and driving licenses, with the approval documents issued by China National Tourism Administration and other relevant certificates and in accordance with the laws and regulations of China.

  Article 8 The employment of the Chinese staffs by the residential representative office of a foreign tourism department in China shall be under the unified management at the provincial-level in China and be designated to the professional foreign affairs service organization to undertake it.

  The residential representative office shall submit the list of the Chinese staffs it will employ to China National Tourism Administration for file. The file shall include name, Birthplace, Date of birth, education level, the used working place and position.

  Article 9 The legal interests of the residential representative office of a foreign tourism department in China, its personnel and family members department in China, its personnel and family members are protected by the laws of China. All the activities of the representative office, its staffs and their family members shall abide by the laws, regulations and relevant rules of China.

  Article 10 If a residential representative office of a foreign tourism department in China violates this Regulation ,China National Tourism Administration jointly with relevant departments shall give a disciplinary warning to it or disqualify it from being a residential representative office in China. Any residential representative office established without the approval will be suppressed.

  Article 11 If the residential representative office of a foreign tourism department in China will terminate its vocational activities, it shall notify China National Tourism Administration in written form thirty days prior to the desired termination date and go through the formalities of cancellation registration after clearing all its debts and other related matters.

  The department sending the residential representative office shall undertake further responsibility for any matters which are not settled after the cancellation registration is finished.

  Article 12 The residential representative office ,agency, general affairs office, liaison office or any office under other names established in China by a foreign tourism department shall be deemed as the residential representative office and this Regulation shall be applied.

  Article 13 This Regulation shall become effective on the date of its promulgation.